Culture of clean government


Release time: 2024-08-28 09:25:48 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network



    邓小平同志曾讲:“领导就是服务。”(1985年5月19日邓小平同志在中共中央、国务院召开的全国教育工作会议上的讲话中,对热衷于发指示、说空话而不为群众干实事的领导作风进行了严肃的批评,强调指出:“什么叫领导,领导就是服务。These important statements reflect the essence of the proletarian leadership view, which requires leading cadres at all levels to further deepen their understanding of "leadership is service"。)

    "To lead is to serve" is the essence of leadership。Service is to do real work, service is to solve problems, service is to meet difficulties。This requires that leading cadres at all levels should be sincere and have feelings for the masses, firmly establish the idea of serving the people wholeheartedly and the spirit of being responsible to the people sincerely, so that they have the masses in their hearts, think about the masses in everything, and devote themselves to the masses to do practical things and good things for the masses。

  The people are masters, and leaders are public servants. In real life, some leading officials regard themselves as masters and the people as servants, and when they do something for the people, they think that they are "showing kindness".。In fact, no matter how big a person's "official" is, his growth and progress cannot be separated from the training of the people, and the improvement of his ability and ability cannot be separated from the help of the people。Without the people, just like the fish without the water, can not survive。领导干部应该像邓小平同志那样,把自己当成“人民的儿子。With this kind of child feelings, we will make every effort to return the people's upbringing, and we will serve the people wholeheartedly。

  If the relationship between the masses and the leadership is reversed, the leading cadres will regard themselves as masters and their consciousness of serving the people will be diluted, and it will be difficult to consciously use the standards of leading cadres and Party discipline and Party regulations to restrict their words and deeds。Some leading cadres are bureaucratically serious, high, commanding, pamper;Some leading cadres detach themselves from the masses, avoid problems, take detour when difficulties arise, and do not use their brains to find solutions.Some leading cadres are indifferent to the sufferings of the masses, let alone suffering in the front, to solve the problems of the people。

  Leading cadres are positions and responsibilities, and this responsibility is service。I hope that every leading cadre can understand this principle, serve the masses well, serve all enterprises well, and truly deserve their name and live up to the expectations of the people。

From: China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News

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